Online Scholarship Search Engines
Go to these websites, create your profile, and get scholarship applications sent right to your email inbox:
Coca-Cola Scholars Foundation
Coca-Cola Scholars Foundation is offering 250 four-year, merit-based scholarships to well-rounded, outstanding Seniors. If you are involved in your community, extra-curricular activities, and have a strong academic performance, you should apply for this scholarship. Applications are available on-line only at: Deadline: Oct 31 (has been extended to November 9th due to Hurricane Sandy).
NCWIT Award for Aspirations in Computing
Calling all digital divas, web chix & coder girls! The NCWIT Award for Aspirations in Computing honors young women at the high-school level for their computing-related achievements and interests. The “Award” offers, both national and local affiliate competitions to generate support and visibility for women's participation in communities nationwide. Deadline has been extended to November 4th. Check it out at:
Voice of Democracy
Attention Hawks: Are you Patriotic? Can you put your patriotism into words? If so, you may have what it takes to compete for a $30,000 scholarship. The Veteran’s of Foreign Wars are sponsoring the Voice of Democracy, a Patriotic Audio Essay Contest for students in grades 9 –12. This year’s theme is “Is Our Constitution Still Relevant?” Deadline is November 1. Details are posted on the Scholarship Information Wall in the College/Career Center.
Christopher Columbus Essay Contest
The AV Chapter of the National Society of the American Revolution is sponsoring a Christopher Columbus Essay Contest in cooperation with the National Italian American Foundation for all high school students grades 9 through 12. Essays are to be 800 to 1,200 words. See the Scholarship Wall in the College/Career Center or your English teacher for details. Deadline is November 2.
Stokes Educational Scholarship Program
Seniors interested in majoring in computer science or computer/electrical engineering listen up! The Stokes Educational Scholarship Program, sponsored by the National Security Agency (or NSA) is looking for participants who have a minimum SAT score of 1600, a GPA of 3.0 or higher, and have demonstrated leadership abilities. Selected candidates will receive full tuition and reimbursement of fees to the college of their choice while receiving a year-round salary with the NSA as well as housing and travel during the summer months. See the Scholarship Wall for details. Deadline for entry: November 15th.
Sullivan Leadership Award
Seniors: Have you shown leadership at school and in the community? Do you have good communication skills and a G.P.A. of 3.7 or higher? If so you may want to compete for the Sullivan Leadership Award, sponsored by Seattle University. This scholarship is equal to a “full ride” for four years at Seattle University in Washington. Deadline is 11/15.
Elks National Foundation Most Valuable Student Scholarship
The Elks National Foundation is offering the Most Valuable Student Scholarship to a total of 500 high school seniors nationwide. Scholarship amounts range from $4,000 to $60,000. Judging criteria is based upon scholarship, leadership and financial need. The local Elks Club gives scholarships to KHS seniors each year at Senior Awards Night. Recipients this year will be chosen from those who apply to this national scholarship, so remember - you’ve got to apply if you want to win! See Mrs. Centonze in the College/Career Center for an application. Deadline is December 7th.
National Peace Essay Contest
The United States Institute of Peace is looking for the next generation of leaders to build peace with freedom and justice amonf nations and peoples and has announced its National Peace Essay Contest for 2013. This year’s topic is “Gender, War and Peacebuilding”. Cash scholarships and an all-expense paid trip to Washington D.C. are being awarded. For details, log on to: Deadline Dec. 15th.
Futuro Con Leche Scholarship
The got milk? Futuro Con Leche Scholarship is available on a competitive basis to seniors of Hispanic heritage with a minimum GPA of 3.0 and planning to go to college full-time. For more details, stop by the College Information Wall in the College/Career Center or Deadline is Dec. 15th.
Ronald McDonald House Charities “Scholars”
Ronald McDonald House Charities has announced the “Scholars” Scholarship Program. If you are an outstanding 12th grader with a cumulative GPA of 2.7 or higher who plans on attending either a two- or four-year college full-time after high school and has contributed to the community, you should apply. Twenty-two $2,000 scholarships will be awarded to residents of our county areas. A personal statement and letter of recommendation are required. Deadline is December 20th.
Ronald McDonald House Charities Asian Pacific heritage
The Ronald McDonald House Charities is sponsoring a scholarship to graduating seniors who have at least a 2.7 GPA, are US Citizens or legal residents and have at least one parent of Asian Pacific heritage. Winners will receive a $2,000 scholarship to off-set their expenses at the accredited two- or four-year college of their choice. Details are posted in Career Center. Deadline is December 20th.
Ronald McDonald House Charities “Future Achievers”
Ronald McDonald House Charities has announced their “Future Achievers” Scholarship Program to outstanding African-American 12th graders who have shown exceptional leadership and character, community service, and are planning to attend an institution of higher education. Twenty-one $2,000 scholarships will be awarded. A personal statement and letter of recommendation are required.
Ronald McDonald House Charities HACER Scholarship
The Ronald McDonald House Charities is sponsoring the HACER scholarship to US Citizens or legal residents who plan to attend a two- or four-year college full-time and have at least one parent of Hispanic heritage and a GPA of at least 2.7. The HACER Scholarship requires a personal statement, letter of recommendation, and copy of your parent’s IRS Form W-2. Deadline: December 20th.
Gen and Kelly Tanabe Scholarship
The Gen and Kelly Tanabe Scholarship is a merit-based, $1,000 scholarship award open to students of all grade levels and legal residents of the United States. An online essay is required. Deadline for registration is December 31st.
GE-Reagan Foundation Scholarship Program
Honoring the legacy and character of our nation’s 40th President, the GE-Reagan Foundation Scholarship Program rewards college-bound students who demonstrate exemplary leadership, drive, integrity, and citizenship with financial assistance to pursue higher education. These are $10,000 renewable scholarships up to $40,000 per student. Apply online through Deadline is January 10.
National Washington Crossing Foundation Scholarship
Are you a history buff? Do you enjoy politics? Is Government or Military Serive in your future? If so, the 44th annual National Washington Crossing Foundation Scholarship might be for you! Scholarships from $1,000 to $5,000 are awarded to seniors who are planning careers in government service. An one-page essay stating why you plan a career in government service including any inspiration to be derived from the leadership of George Washington in his famous crossing of the Delaware is required. For more details, see the Scholarship Information Wall in the College/Career Center. Deadline Jan. 15th.
Korean Spirit and Culture Promotion Project
The Korean Spirit and Culture Promotion Project is hosting an essay contest to all high school students to help foster understanding and appreciation of Korean history and culture. Students interested in participating should visit for more information. Deadline for the contest entry is January 15.
Gates Millennium Scholars
The Gates Millennium Scholars Program is offering scholarships to minority students who are U.S. citizens, have attained a cumulative GPA of 3.30 on a 4.0 scale, will enter college full-time in the fall of 2013, have significant financial need, and have demonstrated leadership commitment through participation in community service or extracurricular activities. A teacher, guidance counselor, or other professional educator who is familiar with your academic background and capabilities must nominate you for this scholarship. In 2011, a Knight High School student was the proud recipient of this distinguished $240,000 scholarship. Could YOU be a 2013 Millennium Scholar?? For all the details, please log on to: Deadline is January 16, 2013.
Christermon Scholarship
The Christermon Scholarship offers college scholarships to children of a parent or grandparent who currently hold full-time employment with, or are proprietors of, a company or individual holding a valid California liquor, beer, or wine license. This includes restaurants, hotels, airlines, drug and grocery establishments. Student must participate in athletics / performing arts during 11th & 12th grades and be going to a four-year college/university in Fall 2013. Apply online at: Deadline: Feb. 1
The AXA Achievement Scholarships
The AXA Achievement Scholarships offer $10,000 and $25,000 college scholarships to graduating seniors who will be continuing their education in the fall. Qualified applicants must have ambition and drive, determination to set and reach goals, respect for self, family and community and have the ability to succeed in college. Apply on-line at: Deadline: February 1
Matters of Life and Death Scholarship Writing Contest
The goals of the Matters of Life and Death Scholarship Writing Contest are to expose students to the issues surrounding end-of-life issues and to assist college-bound scholars. This contest is open to California college-bound 11th and 12th grade students and will award cash awards up to $1,000. For more details, see Mrs. Centonze in the College/Career Center. Deadline for essay submission is May 13th.
B. Davis Scholarship
This Scholarship is available to all high school juniors and seniors as well as all students currently registered in any post secondary institution. There is no age restriction. Be sure to include your name and the school you are attending this year and next. This is not an academic scholarship but we would like to know where you are going to school now and what your future academic plans are. Please do not send transcripts or letters of recommendation at this time. Application Procedure: To apply for this scholarship you will need to write an essay of less than 1000 words on the topic below: Discuss, in less than 1000 words, what you would consider to be the most important issue that society has to deal with in the next 10 or 20 years? Why do you think this issue so important?
Your submissions must be sent to us by email at [email protected]
Deadline and Eligibility
DEADLINE: May 27, 2013
Your submissions must be sent to us by email at [email protected]
Deadline and Eligibility
DEADLINE: May 27, 2013
“Aspiring Animation Professional” Scholarship Program has announced the “Aspiring Animation Professional” Scholarship Program for seniors interested in careers in animation and/or design related fields. This is a $1,000 scholarship that can be used at any accredited post-secondary school or college. For details, stop by the Scholarship Wall in the College/Career Center. Deadline is June 1st.
Engineering Exploration Certificate Program (starts 1/30)
AES Engineering Scholarship--Due 10/4/13
- Students submit an essay of no more than 1000 words in answer to the following question: What are your dreams for your future? When you look back on your life in thirty years, what would it take for you to consider your life successful?
Buick Achievers Scholarship
The Buick Achievers Scholarship Program is looking for graduating seniors who plan to major in a field of study that focuses on Technology, Engineering, Design or Business and have an interest in a career in the automotive or related industries. 1,000 awards of $2,000 and 100 awards of up to $25,000 will be given to off-set expenses at any accredited two- or four-year college. Awards are renewable! Deadline is February 29th. Go here to apply online:
Kohl's Cares Scholarship Program
Every year, Kohl's recognizes and rewards young volunteers (ages 6-18) across the country for their amazing contributions to their communities. This year, Kohl's will award more than 2,200 kids with over $440,000 in scholarships and prizes. The scholarship 'window' opens February 1, 2013. You must be nominated for this scholarship. Please see Mr. Royster or one of your academy teachers before March 15, 2013 to be nominated. Go to: for more information.
SanDisk Scholars Fund
The SanDisk Scholars Fund supports the educational goals of selected students who wish to pursue careers in science, technology, engineering and mathematics (STEM) fields and students already enrolled in a STEM-related course of study who demonstrate a need for financial support in order to reach their academic goals. The SanDisk Scholars Fund will award scholarships of up to $10,000 per student ($2,500 per year for up to four years). Go to to learn more and apply. If you already have an account, use the same login information.
QuestBridge College Prep Scholar - 11th grade students only
Would you consider attending a private university if you could receive a significant scholarship to cover the costs? The QuestBridge College Prep Scholarship is designed to help outstanding, high-achieving, low-income high school juniors prepare to appy to top private colleges. The scholarship could cover all expenses for a college summer program, all-expense-paid college visits, or more. If you are interested please go to: to see if you meet the criteria. If you do, please see Mr. Royster in the Guidance Office for nomination or more information. The application window opens February, 2013 and is due by March 27, 2013.
Automotive Hall of Fame Scholarships
The Automotive Hall of Fame serves as administrator to over $20,000 in combined college scholarships annually. The applicant must indicate a sincere interest in an automotive related career. The opportunities include the Larry H. Averill Memorial Scholarship the Harold Dieckmann Draper, Sr. Scholarship, the John E. Echlin Memorial Scholarship, the Carlyle Fraser / Wilton Looney Scholarship, the John Goerlich Memorial Scholarship, the Charles V. Hagler Scholarship, the Zenon C.R. Hansen Memorial Scholarship, the John W. Koons, Sr. Memorial Scholarship, and many more. Opportunities are available for part-time and full-time students. GPA requirements and level of financial need varies. All scholarships can be applied to using the same application form. The award amount varies and the deadline to apply is June 30th. Go to:
CIA Undergraduate Scholarship Program
The Undergraduate Scholar Program was developed, in part, to assist minority and disabled students, but application is open to all students who meet the requirements. The program offers unmatched experience. You'll complete work sessions during each summer break, increasing your knowledge and job responsibilities while assisting intelligence professionals and applying your academic skills. We believe in challenging our Scholars with meaningful work that relates to their college major. An IT major, for example, might be given increasingly complex projects involving sophisticated computer systems. An engineering major might help produce a piece of state-of-the-art equipment. A finance major could be involved in developing and analyzing budgets for a worldwide operation. A foreign language major might be instrumental in translating documents for US policymakers. As a final example, a human resource major could have the opportunity to develop and implement personnel policies and procedures. Award amounts are up to $18,000. The deadline to apply is October 15th. To apply go to:
Society of Women Engineers Scholarship
Are you a female who is planning on entering an engineering or computer science field? If so, then check out the Society of Women Engineers Scholarship posted on the Scholarship Wall in the College/Career Center. Deadline is May 18th.
The Create an Impact Foundation
FOR JUNIORS ONLY: The Create an Impact Foundation is offering a $500 scholarship to students entering their senior year in the Fall. They are looking for a “theme” that will bring a positive motivation to students. For more details, go to: or stop by the College/Career Center. Deadline for entry is May 16th.
Engineer's Council of the San Fernando Valley
The Engineer's Council 2012 Scholarship Application is for high school seniors planning a career in Engineering, Mathematics, or Science, and who expect to enroll in college for the Fall 2012 academic term. Please, download the application to your computer and type directly into the document. Resave the document and email your completed application digitally to Mr. Royster at: [email protected] by 3:30pm Friday, April 27th. You may also submit a digital version of your Brag Sheet or Resume. Your current academic transcript will be included with your application by Mr. Royster. At least one Knight high student is assured of receiving a $500 scholarship and will find out at the Senior Awards Ceremony on May 2nd, 2013.

sfvec_hs_scholarship_application_2012.doc |
More Scholarships!
Download the file below to see another 35 pages of scholarships that you can apply to!

college_scholarships_a_-_z.pdf |