Juniors - To Do List
- Sign up for the PSAT. It will be given on Wednesday, October 17th here at KHS during the school day. By taking the PSAT, you receive free extensive college and career planning tools, free information from colleges and universities, and are eligible for additional scholarships.
- To sign up:
- Bring a copy of your free/reduced lunch letter to Mrs. Centonze in the Career Center beginning Tuesday, September 17th to receive a fee reduction, pay $2.00 at the Student Store, then bring your receipt to Mrs. Centonze to receive your Practice Test Booklet and admission ticket
- OR
- Pay the $16.00 registration fee at the student store. Then, bring the receipt to Mrs. Centonze in the Career Center beginning Tuesday, September 17th to receive your Practice Test Booklet and admission ticket
- Sign up for the SAT before the end of your junior year at: https://account.collegeboard.org/iamweb/smartRegister;jsessionid=NNY0PsLQCFFmZ5qYpC7SYhRG2frTN3Y1nlb9ntGnbGzjvYQsLsTZ!-1895389745?appId=247&DURL=http%3A%2F%2Fsat.collegeboard.org%2Fhome
Sophomores - To Do List
- Want to graduate in gold? You must have and keep good grades. Sign up for CSF (California Scholarship Federation). See Ms. Solis in Room 116 for the application.